Monday, January 18, 2010

Oh, you know what this is... ITS DEAR KRABBY BITCHES!! welcome to the 010

DEAR ABBY: I rent my own apartment and my family lives an hour's drive away. My boyfriend of one year, "Mac," lives about 10 minutes from me and spends the night a few times a week and vice-versa.

I got the flu last month and it developed into bronchitis. I was so sick I could barely drag myself out of bed. I asked Mac to come over and take care of me and he said, "No, I don't want to get sick. I'll come by when you're better."

Abby, if someone cares about you, don't you think he should help out -- maybe make some soup, give you water at your bedside and just be there in general? If Mac got sick like that, I would go over and take care of him. But he wasn't willing to do the same. He said he doesn't feel it is "his job."

I am upset by this. Is it an indication of how he would be if we got married? -- IN SICKNESS AND IN HEALTH

DEAR IN SICKNESS: Yup. It appears Mac isn't the nurturing kind. However, if he has everything else you're looking for in a man, this needn't be a deal breaker. Instead of expecting him to intuit what you need, try telling him what you want. Example: "Send some soup over." "Please empty the trash." "Call an ambulance." You get the idea. If that doesn't do the trick, then scratch Mac.

Dear Infected Host Body: Oh, you know what? This is not a fitting question. I thought it was, but actually no. You know your boyfriend is bullshit ridiculousness. You know it, but you'd rather not be alone so you put up with his shit. Not his job to come over and help you? No, it's not but thats not why we help people we care about. We help them cause we care about them and if we don't they probably won't have sex with us. Clearly Mac doesn't ascribe to this way of thinking. I suggest either introducing him to this philosophy and telling him to not bother coming over when you're well. His sorry ass is no longer needed. Diagnosis (murder?): Dump him, invest in dildo. Get better sweetums.

DEAR ABBY: Please settle a dispute between my wife and me. One of her co-workers, "Cassie," is eight months pregnant and also overweight. My wife saw her and said, "Wow, you've gotten as big as a house!"

Cassie told her she was hurt by the comment. In my wife's opinion, what she said is not uncommon when said to a pregnant woman and she thinks Cassie was overly sensitive. I believe the comment was inappropriate. What do you think? -- NEEDS A MEDIATOR, GAINESVILLE, FLA.

DEAR NEEDS A MEDIATOR: I agree with you. No one -- pregnant or not -- wants to be told she resembles an orca, and your wife should have kept her observation to herself.

Dear... You: I disagree with Abbs, but only slightly. I think her comment could have been just fine but it all depends on the context. If she's friends with this woman and said it in a joking tone, i see no problem telling a pregnant woman who everyone knows is gaining weight, that shes gaining weight. On the other hand, if she doesn't really know her then your wife is kinda being a bitch. obviously its tres declase to roll up on someone you don't know and be like GRRRL YOU BIG AS A MU'FUCKA and if thats what your wife did then she's tacky and she knows it. Thus, obviously, she should clap her hands.

so... been away a while. its a new year kids and i'm gonna try to get this on some sort of regular schedule, but be advised: like a really triflin husband I make few promises and keep even less. wanna get married? We can have our reception at outback steakhouse and have subway cater that shit.

To order "How to Write Letters for All Occasions," send a business-sized, self-addressed envelope, plus check or money order for $6 (U.S. funds) to: Dear Abby -- Letter Booklet, P.O. Box 447, Mount Morris, IL 61054-0447. (Postage is included in the price.)

wow. letters for all occasions. i can't be the only one wondering how many occasions could possibly call for a letter, right? and, aren't the five homemakers in the country still writing letters also all readers of Abbs? Won't they recognize your poorly customized and clearly stolen Abbs letter thanking them for that fruitcake? thats gonna be one awkward church brunch come sunday